This is the first report in ODI’s Economic Pulse series. It explores China’s international economic response to Covid-19 and analyses its international engagements, especially in developing countries, in light of shifts in the global economic and political landscape. Our review of China’s economic response has an international focus due to the nature of the macroeconomic data, while project-level data and a policy review drill down into the effects of that response on developing countries.


About ODI’s Economic Pulse series

The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted governments around the world to change their economic and political priorities, and China is no exception. Its shifting priorities will have implications for its engagement in developing economies. ODI’s Economic Pulse series reviews Chinese macroeconomic indicators, project-level data, policy announcements and debt negotiations to forge a holistic view of the country’s international economic response.

Read the research here.

This publication first appeared on the ODI site. 

Author: Beatrice Tanjangco, Yue Cao, Rebecca Nadin, Linda Calabrese and Olena Borodyna. 

Image courtesy of Gauthier DELECROIX – 郭天 via Flickr.

The views are those of the author and not necessarily those of ETTG.

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