EU Pavilion side event
02/11/2021 @ 14:30-15:30
“Supporting green & climate resilient development: local to global insights on the AU-EU Partnership”
Co-organisers: Climate Action Network Europe (lead), The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Short session description
This event will explore how the EU-AU Partnership can support a green and just transition in Africa. Panellists will discuss locally-led approaches to adaptation, green jobs and enterprise for youth, and how the EU-Africa Partnership can deliver on Agenda 2063, Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement’s key commitments on climate finance and loss and damage, as both the EU and AU seek a green recovery from COVID-19.
Policy, advocacy and information sharing objectives for the event:
- Raise the importance of Paris Agreement and the just transition for the EU-Africa Partnership
- Showcase real work solutions and implementation options which should be supported by the EU-Africa Partnership including:
- Energy
- Adaptation
- Agriculture
- Nature based solutions
- Youth led and supporting initiatives
- Gender responsiveness
- Explore AU-EU partnerships and initiatives to advance the goals of the Paris Agreement, including on climate finance, adaptation and loss and damage
Moderator: Rachel Simon, Climate and Development Policy Coordinator, CAN Europe
- Context setting intervention: Gabriela Iacobuta, German Development Institute (DIE) / European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) (remote presence)
Panelists interventions:
- Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Government of Sweden
- James Murombedzi, UNECA perspective and priorities
- SNV speaker: Jean Muthamia-Mwenda SNV Global Lead on Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship
- CAN Tanzania speaker: Jacquiline Massao, Climate Action Network Tanzania (Glasgow physical presence)