ETTG Policy Brief: The EU-Africa Migration Agenda – Realizing a New Partnership

The European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) is pleased to present our latest policy brief: “The EU-Africa Migration Agenda: Realizing a New Partnership.” This comprehensive analysis builds on the insightful discussions from our Brussels event held in May 2024, where ETTG, in collaboration with ODI, ECDPM, and the Nordic Africa Institute, hosted a timely dialogue on EU-Africa migration and development cooperation.

Key Insights

Our policy brief explores how the EU and Africa can forge a mutually beneficial migration partnership, addressing crucial aspects such as:

  • Building a stronger EU-Africa migration partnership for development
  • Unlocking opportunities and navigating challenges in a changing landscape
  • The future of EU-Africa cooperation on migration and development

The brief draws on the expertise of authors and of distinguished panelists who participated in our May 2024 event:The brief draws on the expertise of authors and of distinguished panelists who participated in our May 2024 event:

  • Shada Islam (Chair) – Specialist and Commentator on European Union Affairs; Director, New Horizons Project
  • Dr. Linda Adhiambo Oucho – Executive Director, African Migration and Development Policy Centre
  • Pawel Busiakiewicz – Head of Unit for International Affairs, DG HOME
  • Catherine Woollard – Director, European Council on Refugees and Exiles
  • Dr. Namira Negm – Director, African Migration Observatory, Rabat, Morocco

This policy brief is the result of collaborative work by experts from various institutions:

  • Claire Kumar (ODI)
  • Jessica Hagen-Zanker (ODI)
  • Amanda Gray Meral (ODI)
  • Jesper Bjarnesen (The Nordic Africa Institute)
  • Anna Knoll (ECDPM)

Access the Full Brief

We invite policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in EU-Africa relations and migration policy to read our comprehensive analysis. The full policy brief will be available for download in the upcoming days.

For those interested in the discussions that informed this brief, recordings of the May 2024 event are available here.

Join us in exploring this critical topic and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on shaping a more effective and equitable EU-Africa migration partnership.

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