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Innovation in Development: the future of EU international Cooperation

October 17, 2018

On 17 October, the European Think Tanks Group and the European Parliament hosted a public debate on the future of the EU in international cooperation, addressing the new challenges faced by the EU, both globally and in its own neighbourhood.
The objectives of this Conference were to:

  • Encourage a future-oriented debate on innovation in development;
  • Review and assess the EU contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the global level;
  • Set an agenda on EU external action in the run up to the European Parliamentary elections and the formation of the next College of Commissioners in 2019.
You can find the full programme here.

Here, it is possible to find the recording of the entire public debate.

Image courtesy of European External Action Service via Flickr

Opinion: Priorities for a positive multilateralism

Ahead of the conference, the five think tank directors and the ETTG chairperson shared five multilateralism priorities for our national leaders, MEPs and the new European Commission. You can read the article on EURACTIV’s website.




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European Parliament

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