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Meridia Partners & ADEPT event: Youth entrepreneurship in Africa: The silver bullet?

September 24, 2020

(in partnership with ADYFE)

This is the third in a series of virtual events taking place between September & October 2020 and leading up to the next AU-EU Summit.

This is a Zoom Event. Please REGISTER HERE

Africa has the youngest population in the world. While central to the continent’s development, its youth remains characterized by informal sector employment and working poverty, making it a potential social threat and the top risk to business in the region. In light of this, formal entrepreneurship has been presented by many as the panacea to employment- related challenges in Africa, notably unemployment and underemployment, and as such as a solution to reap the demographic dividend – thus boosting economic growth – and fight irregular migration.

This premise resulted in the multiplication of dedicated events and entrepreneurship programs supported by African and international stakeholders, among which the European Commission through the European Fund for Sustainable Development. In addition, the development of entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in Africa illustrates for some a shift from aid-led to enterprise-led solutions to developmental problems.

The events are meant to increase the share of voice for African private sector, civil society and diaspora organisations in the framework of the upcoming Summit. They are designed to discuss the ability to align Africa and European priorities, provide a set of recommendations and deliver on the narrative of a renewed Africa-Europe relationship, which focuses on moving away from dependency towards partnership. As European institutions have engaged negotiations with African partners in view of jointly endorsing a new comprehensive EU strategy with Africa at the Summit, the events will cover five themes of relevance for a true and fair partnership between Africa and Europe: debt, migration, trade & investment, climate, and youth.

See the whole webinar series program below:

  • 10th September : Africa’s debt: to write off or not to write off?
  • 17th September : Migration & mobility: where next?
  • 24th September : Youth entrepreneurship in Africa: The silver bullet? (in partnership with ADYFE)
  • 1st October : Climate change cooperation: Can we shift the paradigm?
  • 8th October : Trade & Investment: Can the EU keep the competition at bay?




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