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Strengthening EU – LAC relations through financing for development

November 6, 2023

ETTG is hosting a seminar as part of our ongoing project on EU-Latin America relations. The focus of our discussion will revolve around how to strengthen EU – LAC relations through financing for development.
This event brought together leading institutions such as the European CommissionEuropean Investment Bank (EIB), Development Bank of South America (CAF), The World BankUnited NationsOECD – OCDE, and prominent think tanks like Elcano Royal InstituteECDPM 🔎 🌍 among others, in a virtual webinar format.

We delved into Europe’s development finance interests and goals in Latin America and the Caribbean, examining topics like the EU-LAC partnership, development cooperation, trade agreements, and the role of FDI in promoting green growth.

We also explored the potential of blended finance, refundable ODA, and the need for guarantees to mobilize private sector investments while addressing pressing questions from both European and LAC perspectives.

Furthermore, we discussed how the EU can strategically target its support in sectors that align with its private sector interests and geopolitical ambitions, with a focus on implementing the Global Gateway initiative and moving beyond ODA to engage its domestic private sector in the region.




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