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ETTG Board Meeting June 2024

The European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) held its Board meeting on June 20th in Brussels, Belgium, at ECDPM’s premises. This productive gathering brought together Directors and representatives from IDOS, IDDRI, ODI, IAI, Elcano Royal Institute, and ECDPM. The meeting focused on two key areas: displaying the network’s progress and achievements,

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Roundtable on Accelerating Development in Africa’s Borderlands

We were honoured to be alongside UNDP Brussels Representation Office and ECDPM at a roundtable discussion entitled “Accelerating Development in Africa’s Borderlands”. The focus of the roundtable was on sparking exchanges on development beyond Africa’s bustling capitals, specifically in borderland regions whose potential is yet untapped. Though burdened by climate

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ETTG Workshop on Green Industrialization

On May 28th, a multi-stakeholder ETTG workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya. The event was organized by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) jointly with IDDRI and and counted with over 30 participants. The workshop brought together participants from across Europe and Africa to explore how the two continents can

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