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ETTG Board Meeting

On December 14, the ETTG Board gathered at ECDPM premises, setting the stage for a productive gathering of esteemed network organizations, including ECDPM, Elcano Royal Institute, IAI, IDDRI, IDOS, and ODI. Throughout the day, attendees delved into insightful discussions on fundraising activities, events, publications, and upcoming endeavors. The network celebrated

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Strengthening EU – LAC relations through financing for development

ETTG is hosting a seminar as part of our ongoing project on EU-Latin America relations. The focus of our discussion will revolve around how to strengthen EU – LAC relations through financing for development. This event brought together leading institutions such as the European Commission, European Investment Bank (EIB), Development Bank

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ETTG | UNDP Event: Conflict and Unconstitutional Change of Government in Africa: Is there still a role for the Europe-Africa Partnership?

The two-day ETTG | UNDP event brought together over 120 participants and stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds, including African Ambassadors, researchers, EU representatives, international organizations, and civil society actors. The event was opened by Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation and Urban Policy Caroline Gennez, UN/UNDP Brussels Director Camilla Brückner,

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