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ETTG African Ambassadors Meeting

In a closed door session format, nn 3rd March 2023, ETTG and ECDPM jointly organised a meeting with African Embassies in Brussels to assess the state of the Africa – Europe partnership in a multi-crises world.   Picture of Geert Laporte & Ambassador Baye Moctar DIOP

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DG INTPA Infopoint event in cooperation with ETTG and IDOS on “The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine: Addressing short and long-term crises”

The event discusses the implications of the war in Ukraine on energy and food security, industrial supply chains and environmental protection, and the role of the European Green Deal in addressing them. In addition, the event will consider the impact of the conflict on policy coherence, social protection and international

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“Making development finance more impactful: Advancing complementarity between European donors, implementing agencies and DFIs/PDB” Hybrid Event (by invitation only)

With the increasing reliance on development finance to mobilise resources and catalyse private sector initiatives and finance at scale for greater sustainable development impact, there is a parallel impetus to foster greater coherence and synergy among development actors. Europe is at the forefront of this endeavour. As collectively the large

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