Cities of arrival. Integrated urban and private sector responses to migrants and refugees
Giulia Maci, San Bilal, Anna Knoll and Eva Dick propose a city-scale, long term and integrated approach to refugee integration.
Giulia Maci, San Bilal, Anna Knoll and Eva Dick propose a city-scale, long term and integrated approach to refugee integration.
Giulia Maci, Laure Criqui, Jean Bossuyt, Paola Lucci make the case for an European and African comprehensive urban strategy.
With a view to he upcoming AU Summit on 1-2 July in Nouakchott, Geert Laporte (ECDPM) examines the negotiating mandate of the ACP group.
Niels Keijzer, Clare Castillejo, Mariella Di Ciommo raise five questions regarding the EU legislative proposal for the NDICI.
Mark Furness and Niels Keijzer (DIE) provide four reasons why the European Neighbourhood Instrument should be included in the proposed ‘single instrument’ for financing the EU’s international cooperation.
Christine Hackenesch and Niels Keijzer (DIE) identify five concrete means through which the EU can further human rights and good governance under the next EU budget.
Cities and agriculture? urban planning and sustainable food systems? Daniele Fattibene explores these almost forgotten linkages.
Simon Maxwell, Niels Keijzer, Mariella Di Ciommo and Clare Castillejo underline three main elements of the EC proposal for the 2021-2027 budget.