DEVCO Infopoint web conference event with ETTG – IAI: The development – security nexus: recent evolutions and future challenges

On Tuesday 29 of September IAI researcher coordinated an 1,5 hour panel discussion event with DEVCO B.5 Unit, Members of the European Parliament, EPLO and ECDPM colleague for the development and security nexus. 

Bernardo Venturi, Senior Fellow, The Institute of International Affairs (IAI) – Moderator


  • Olivier Luyckx, Head of Unit, Security, Nuclear Safety – DEVCO.B.5
  • Vera Mazzara, European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) Coordinator
  • Lucas Mandl, Member of the European Parliament, EPP, Vice chair SEDE Committee
  • Petras Austrevicius, Member of the European Parliament, Renew Europe, SEDE Committee
  • Lorenzo Angelini, Policy Officer, EPLO
  • Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw, Policy officer, ECDPM


Concept note

This event will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange and discuss the development-security nexus which has become a central concept for the EU and for other international actors. The importance of the link between development and security is broadly accepted, however, nexus is one of the most controversial issues when it comes to budget divisions and in operational terms. A clear distinction between security and development could avoid misplacement of development resources. Other decision-makers are in favour of “a strong component of security in developing countries”, embedded in development. Against this backdrop, the seminar would like to offer the possibility to discuss the latest evolutions of the development-security nexus in EU policies and in the MFF. The speakers will also discuss the operationality of the nexus, the opportunities that offer and the main recent challenges.

The event was held via WEBEX platform.

For the video please click here


The development – security nexus. Recent evolutions and future challenges

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