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ETTG is presenting in Sweden: Working towards a stronger EU in the global world

February 5, 2020

European Think Tanks Group in cooperation with The Swedish Development Forum (FUF) and CONCORD Sweden are organizing a joint seminar and discussion in Sweden around the following topics:

  • Part II: The new Geopolitical Commission of Ursula von der Leyen
  • Part III: EU – Africa at the top of the EU’s foreign policy agenda


Part IV: The EU in the multilateral system: in search of new global allies

ETTG director and ECDPM’s deputy director Geert Laporte and European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) coordinator Vera Mazzara will attend the meeting and discuss the priorities for the European Commission and present the ETTG’s agenda for Europe in the world. The agenda outlines key priorities for the new EU leadership in terms of foreign and development policy. It also spells out concrete proposals for action in key areas where the EU can make a difference – ranging from strategic partnerships, human development, peace and security to mobility and migration, climate action, energy and urbanisation, trade and development, democracy support, and financing for development.

The Swedish Development Forum (FUF) is a non-partisan and religiously independent non-profit organization. Our purpose is to inform, raise awareness and generate debate about global development issues and Sweden’s role in the world. We want to contribute to knowledge, debate and engagement for a just and sustainable world.

FUF believes that civil society has a central role in working for global sustainable development. Freedom of speech and access to information is a vital part of a democracy. Therefore, FUF works to engage the Swedish public in global development issues, enabling people to work for a just world – both in their everyday lives as well as by demanding that their elected representatives take action.

At FUF, we work with capacity-building activities for our active members; build and spread knowledge on global development via seminars and events; and write and publish articles on contemporary development issues.

More info about FUF you can find here or for you can watch online their events through YouTube channel “FUFPlay”.

Image courtesy of Wendy Cope via Flickr.

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