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How to incorporate (and survive) artificial intelligence? ETTG members experiences with AI

November 18, 2024

We hosted an insightful internal webinar on “How to incorporate (and survive) artificial intelligence? ETTG members experiences with AI” as part of our quarterly knowledge-sharing series.

Colleagues shared their practical experiences and strategies for integrating AI into think tank operations. The discussion covered crucial aspects including:

• Research workflow enhancement while maintaining analytical rigor
• Building AI literacy across teams
• Addressing ethical considerations and data privacy
• Strategic opportunities for policy influence and public engagement
• Potential for cross-institutional collaboration

This session built on ETTG’s commitment to fostering innovation while exploring responsible AI adoption in policy research. Our members exchanged valuable insights on balancing technological advancement while still delivering high-quality policy analysis.

Special thanks to our speakers:
Virginia Mucchi & Eunike Spierings (ECDPM )
Eva Garrido Ortiz de Urbina & Pablo Colomer (Elcano Royal Institute)
Leo Goretti (IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali)

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