A project for Europe
Teresa Ribera advocates for a sustainable development scenario for Europe.
Teresa Ribera advocates for a sustainable development scenario for Europe.
The domestic political orders in the MENA countries are going through a period of crisis and restructuring. Since mass protests spread from Tunisia and Egypt to other countries in the region in 2011 a number of worrying trends have affected the forms and functions of states, regimes, contentious actors and
In 2018, at a time when the world and Europe are changing more than in decades, the EU will make critical choices on the design of its budget for the period 2021-2027. These choices will have a lasting strategic impact, and could see the transformation of long cherished – but
According to UN-Habitat, approximately one third of the urban population in the developing world resides in slum communities. This figure jumps to more than 60 percent in African cities. At the same time, The New Urban Agenda, defined at the Habitat III summit in Quito in October 2016, highlighted cities as
The migration issue seems to have monopolised a large part of the discussions at the AU-EU Summit in Abidjan.
A reassessment of the cooperation scheme should be grounded on shared ownership and dialogue, in the spirit of the partnership.
The ETTG argues that leaving discussions on the future of ACP-EU relations out of the Summit agenda could be a missed opportunity.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 calls on states to ‘promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’. This ODI briefing considers how ensuring migrants have fair access to appropriate and secure legal status, through