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“Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals” online event

Background note Ensuring adequate access to sustainable development finance was already a fundamental challenge prior to the pandemic and will be an even more pressing imperative in the future, as the most vulnerable economies scramble to recover from the COVID-19 shock and cope with the escalating impacts of climate change.

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Next steps towards a comprehensive Africa-EU partnership

In March 2020 the EU published a proposal for a comprehensive strategy with Africa, ahead of their regular summit with the African Union scheduled for October that year. Both were soon overtaken by the dramatic events of the global Covid-19 pandemic. One and a half years onwards, discussions are now

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Towards a policy consensus: New partnership to focus on the future of Africa-Europe relations

3 September 2021, Addis Ababa/Brussels/Maastricht/Pretoria — The COVID-19 health crisis and its devastating socioeconomic impact calls for stronger multilateralism and increased efforts to deepen cooperation. More than ever, international action and solidarity are needed to address the human, health, economic and political repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Against this background, the

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DG INTPA InfoPoint Virtual Conference event on “COVID-19: How can the EU support its partner countries to avoid and resolve debt crises?”

Many developing countries will not find their way out of the COVID-19 crisis on their own, and in addition to the direct public health and economic implications face both immediate and medium-term fiscal challenges. As long-standing providers of concessional finance and direct investment to developing countries, the international community and

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