
ETTG offers analysis and evidence-based discussions on all aspects of development cooperation. Outputs range from blogs, policy briefs and collective reports to informal takeaways from network events.

European independent think tanks

The six institutes that compose ETTG cover all aspects of international development and cooperation policy.. They share a strong commitment to higher global welfare, and a strong belief in the importance of better collective action to achieve global goals. As think-tanks, and as policy-focused research institutes, they also share a commitment to effective outreach and engagement with policy-makers and policy processes.

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Donors, implementing agencies and DFI/PDB cooperation – The case of the UK: BII and FCDO

British International Investment (BII) is the United Kingdom’s development finance institution (DFI). It is entirely owned by the UK government and its single shareholder is the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), represented by the Secretary of State for FCDO. The relationship between FCDO and BII has evolved over time and continues to evolve. Over the last few years, there has been a growing appreciation within the UK government of the value of BII as an important channel to achieve not only UK development objectives but also to contribute to geopolitical objectives such as promoting Global Britain. The result has been a rising profile of BII towards achieving broader UK government policy objectives.

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Donors, implementing agencies and DFI/PDB cooperation – The case of France: AFD and Proparco

In France, blending operations are implemented by the public development bank (PDB) Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the development finance institution (DFI) Proparco. Proparco has gained a larger role in recent years, reflecting a growing recognition of the need to mobilise private investment. Proparco is part of the AFD Group and in charge of all development operations with the private sector. Its latest capital increase dates back to 2020, bringing its share capital to €984 million. AFD is France’s main implementation agency.

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Donors, implementing agencies and DFI/PDB cooperation. EBRD and donors comprehensive coordination

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has longstanding experience in coordinating and working with donors. The EBRD relationship with donors takes different forms, such as co-financing (e.g., grant support, concessional finance and guarantees), technical assistance and policy dialogues. The focus ranges from strategic considerations to more concrete actions. The relationship can be materialised through donor facilities, such as the Green Climate Fund, or through EBRD-established multi-donor funds, agreements with bilateral donor countries, such as the United States, Switzerland and Japan, or collaborations with the European Union (EU), for example, involving the European Commission and several EU member states.

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Donors, implementing agencies and DFI/PDB cooperation. The case of the Netherlands and the Dutch Fund for Climate and Development

The Dutch government has a longstanding and comprehensive cooperation with the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO) via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. The cooperation is geared towards catalysing private sector investment for sustainable development impact, including through blended finance. The Dutch government is a founder and majority shareholder of FMO, accounting for 51% of its shares. It is thus at the heart of FMO’s governance. This allows the Dutch government, particularly, the MoFA, to steer and influence FMO operations and ensure that they contribute to the government’s development policy objectives and priorities.

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Donors, implementing agencies and DFI/PDB cooperation – The case of Germany: BMZ, GIZ, KfW and DEG

In Germany, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) leads in coordinating the government’s bilateral development policy priorities and positions. These are then operationalised and carried out in the form of distinct interventions by implementing agencies. Since a number of key reforms in the first decade of the 2000s, two main agencies have been involved in implementing Germany’s financial and technical cooperation: the KfW Group (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Bankengruppe) and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

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Italy’s Move to the Right and the Implications for Global Development

After the collapse of Mario Draghi’s government in July, Italian voters went to the polls to elect a new parliament on September 25. The elections were the first to be held following the constitutional referendum in September 2020 which reduced the number of deputies and senators by half, from 630 to 315 and 400 to 200 respectively. The right-wing coalition spearheaded by the ‘Brothers of Italy’ (FdI) under Giorgia Meloni’s leadership won the election, which saw the lowest turnout in the history of the Italian Republic (less than 64 percent compared to 73 percent in 2018) with around 44 percent of the votes in both chambers. The coalition government will likely be based on an alliance between the Fdl, who took 26 percent of votes, former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini’s ‘League’ (Lega), and former Prime Minister (PM) Silvio Berlusconi’s ‘Forward Italy’ party (Forza Italia or FI).

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