ETTG offers analysis and evidence-based discussions on all aspects of development cooperation. Outputs range from blogs, policy briefs and collective reports to informal takeaways from network events.
European independent think tanks
The six institutes that compose ETTG cover all aspects of international development and cooperation policy.. They share a strong commitment to higher global welfare, and a strong belief in the importance of better collective action to achieve global goals. As think-tanks, and as policy-focused research institutes, they also share a commitment to effective outreach and engagement with policy-makers and policy processes.
Vaccine hesitancy as a global challenge – Why rebuilding trust in governments is key to end COVID-19
Rejection of the jab from parts of the population remains a challenge for achieving increased immunisation coverage and, consequently, the end of the pandemic. Because vaccine hesitancy is largely driven by lack of trust in governments, rebuilding trust in governments is essential for a successful global vaccination campaign. Trust is an essential attribute of social cohesion and socially cohesive societies are more resilient during crisis. The current one is certainly not the last we will face.
European Think Tanks Group “Collective action for greater impact”
We are pleased to release our new ETTG brochure that provides you with more information about the work of our network in the field of EU international cooperation and global sustainable development.
Synthesis note: Strengthening the continent-to-continent dialogue on sustainable development
This synthesis note presents one-page overviews of the main findings and recommendations in relation to the five themes, which are discussed in greater detail in the policy briefs that have been published during the past months. A link to the full policy brief is included at the end of each one-pager. These thematic overviews are preceded by a short analysis of the relationship between Africa and Europe and five proposals for strengthening the continent-to-continent dialogue on sustainable development.
Supporting developing countries for a global sustainable recovery: lessons from the Italian G20 Presidency
A series of high-profile events has added up to making 2021 a crucial year to tackle the global sustainable development agenda and present a unique opportunity to drive a virtuous circle of political commitment, regulation, and financial flows towards sustainable recovery in developing countries, which is a key issue of this year’s G20 cycle. Bringing the voice of developing countries in the global multilateral agenda is not easy to tackle due to different and often competing political priorities. This blog draws lessons from the Italian G20 Presidency to inform the development policy considerations and efforts of the upcoming Indonesian, Indian and Brazilian G20 Presidencies. These Presidencies have a great potential to prioritize sustainable recovery in the Global South in their own, as well as in cooperation with the G7 and EU Presidencies when appropriate.