Picture of Bamako, MalI by Thomas Brissiaud, available on iStock
The latest ETTG collective report, authored by Sophie Desmidt (ECDPM), Julian Bergmann (IDOS), Benedikt Erforth (IDOS), Sara Gianesello (ECDPM), explores the complex challenges and opportunities of European engagement in fragile settings. It is produced in the framework of our partnership with Enabel and GIZ.
We would also like to thank colleagues Iliana Olivié (ETTG), Mark Furness (IDOS) and Volker Hauck (ECDPM) for their valuable inputs.
Some of the key takeaways include:
- Navigating Complexity: European agencies are increasingly operating in fragile settings. To maintain effectiveness, they’ve adopted locally-led approaches, strengthened partnerships, and adapted their risk management strategies.
- The Central Sahel Challenge: The Central Sahel region presents a complex political landscape. While European agencies have employed various strategies, the absence of a shared European political strategy limits systemic impact.
- A Call for Coordinated Action: The report emphasizes the need for a more coordinated Team Europe approach. This includes strengthening conflict analysis, supporting locally-led development, and enhancing information sharing and coordination among EU actors.
- The Future of EU Engagement: As the EU prepares for a new Commission and the next Multiannual Financial Framework, it’s crucial to carefully consider the suitability of current instruments and identify necessary changes to address the challenges of fragile settings.
Find the full report available here