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African Union Development Agency-NEPAD Policy Bridge Tank Forum

February 8, 2021


The AUDA-NEPAD Policy Bridge Tank’s 1st Consultative Forum will hold on the 8th February 2021 and which will reinforce the collaboration between African think tanks and policy makers to advance together the attainment of Agenda 2063.

European Think Tanks Group will be represented by our Coordinator Vera Mazzara who will take part as a panellist to the session titled the “niche of AUDA-NEPAD within the think tank landscape” and she will share the expertise and experience of the work analysis we have gathered as a network and specifically the knowledge on the learnings from ETTG and support to the EU development policy.



30 African development think tanks (universities, research institutes, centers)

10 international think-tanks & networks

AUDA (including CoE) staff

Other African regional institutions (AUC, ACBF, APRM, RECs)

International partners & donors (UN, AfDB, Private Foundations)

Policy makers / Government representatives


Session 2: Niche of AUDA-NEPAD within Think Tank Landscape

Moderator: Estherine Fotabong, AUDA-NEPAD DPIP

- Dr Enrique Mendizabal, Founder and Director, On Think Tanks – Situation and challenges of
think tanks in Africa
- Dr Diakalia Sanogo, Senior Program Specialist, Foundations for Innovation, International
Development Research Centre – Building on previous African Think Tank Initiatives
–  Ms Vera Mazzara, Coordinator, European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), ECDPM European
Centre for Development Policy Management ECDPM – Learning from ETTG and support EU
development policy
- Dr Jakkie Cilliers, Chairperson of the Board and Head of African Futures & Innovation
Institute for Security Studies – How AUDA-NEPAD should relate to Think Tanks





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